Working At Home ---092

COVID-19 has been spreading at a rapid pace and it has become a disruption in our daily lives. Most businesses have advised their employees to work remotely since large public gatherings can increase the rate of infection. At Linkstyle, we understand the situation and are going through the same experience.

Recently this week, I caught a cold and was forced to work from home. At first, I thought the news about the coronavirus was insignificant and I was never going to get sick because the numbers were so small at the time. I wasn’t careful and I caught a cold. The symptoms are very mild, however, each day got a little worse to the point where my throat became so sore it hurts to talk. Feels like a needle was stabbing my throat every time I took a dry breath of air in.

Anyways, I think working from home is a great way to be productive while keeping your co-workers safe. We understand that our customers might be concerned about our business because it may lack service, but don’t worry, we are here to serve you remotely regardless of the situation .

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