Returning Items ---054

Returning items can be a hassle and for most customers, it is a complicated process. If you have never shipped an item back before, you may be confused on where to start.

Most sellers will have a return policy that is unique to their store. It is important for the customer to read it if they are not buying it with 100% confidence. In the majority of return policies, customers may have to ship the item back if the item is not damaged or defective. This is where the customer decides if it is worth shipping the item back or not. Shipping costs can be expensive, as well as the trouble of taking it to the post office to buy the postage. It will not feel like a full refund after going through all these expenses.

We want to remind our customers to have confidence in the items they are buying. It is a lengthy process for both parties, which is why we try to reduce our return rate with accurate item descriptions and clear return policy. At Linkstyle, we try to be as transparent as possible so our customers know what they are getting.


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