Out with the old, In with the new---147
Like all businesses, we need to be able to update our inventory every so often to make sure that it is up to date with the most current technology and stock. As time passes by, trends change and with that, so does the design of certain items. This is where our research team comes in. They take a look at the current trends that are happening now, and then take a look at our current inventory and stock. They also take a look at the design of the item to see if there needs to be a change. If a change is needed, they will then inform the manufacturers and from there they will begin the redesign process. This process sometimes takes awhile so we here at Linkstyle do our best to try and predict where the trend is going to go. Now, some of you may be asking, why should we do this? While it is true that being more modern will appeal to more people, some of the designs look good so why change them? Well, that goes back to our principle. At Linkstyle, we want our customers to experience that “WOW!” factor, a moment of utter shock and surprise when they open their package and see the contents inside. However, that “WOW!” factor won’t happen nearly as much if the item looks old and the design of it is something from a few years ago. So, that is why we here at Linkstyle do our best to make sure that we keep our inventory and stock up to date and current so that you as our customer can be assured that everytime you purchase an item from us you will be happy with that order and that you will experience that “WOW!” factor that we strive for with every order.