Building Trust ---022
Yinscape and Yangsearch are both rival companies that concentrate on business-to-business services, however, their products contrast each other. Due to the differences, their products are not consistent with one another. Recently last year, Yinscape bought out Yangsearch, the American based company, with the help of a wealthy investor. During the merge, Yangsearch had 400 employees and Yinscape had 250 employees. Both companies come from a different work culture. Yinscape is based in India and Yangsearch is based in America. They are both number two in their respective sectors of the market. The main purpose of the merge was to bring competition to the current top market leader. Due to the culture clash, the CEO and board will have to brainstorm strategies in order for the company to move forward.
This led me to wonder “How might we, at Linkstyle, handle this situation?” I believe the direction that the company takes will always be for the betterment of the company itself, after a company takeover. Despite leadership change, the company’s image should remain intact, assuming the services it provides are unchanged.
With that in mind, the strategy to move forward would be to improve the communication gap between both companies. If there is a culture clash, the administration should try its best to limit it. Each employee has to be treated equally. Trust is also an important factor. In the event of a collaboration, everyone should be on the same page.
Some possible factors that may prevent change would be doubt. It is hard to say whether the merger will be effective or not. Merging two and two together does not guarantee the joint company to be number one.
In order to initiate change, the motivation would have to come from somewhere. I believe that good leadership and teamwork is enough to motivate employees. Trust has to be gained from both sides. Having employees that have the same vision towards a better future is important to the success of the company. Here at Linkstyle, one of our main goals is to not only sell quality products to our customers but also to build trust for our brand. The customer base is similar to a company merger. Both entities are able to provide feedback and work together to create a successful business.